Wednesday, September 19, 2007

the question of definition

okay so we are a distro. but what kind?

i want to sell stuff i like. that's obvious.

i want to sell stuff that people don't normally get to see.

there is a tendancy to sell certain kinds of zines. i can't define it but i know it when i see it.

i wanna sell punk zines that aren't political, slacker zines where the protags have no redeeming qualities, i want to find the villons and the lautremonts rather then the next che'.

that's not it.

i have a meeting to get to. i'll write more when i figure it out.

later, days later.

i know what it is i want. i think that writing is half skill/half art and i appreciate when its done well but i want the sloppy fucking 3am zine you wrote cus your girlfirend ditched or the one you made really and dizzy. i want messy and immediate. i want right now zines. i want one hour zines. i want crazy and for real. i don't give a shit about clever.

i want zines like we used to make them. fuck art. get real. let that fevered ego have its way with your glue stick and scissors as long as you come back down and face. i want honest. i wanted the hoarse screamed fuck you but i also want the whispered apology and the sloppy make up sex zine.

more on this when i give a shit again. -mike

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