Thursday, March 6, 2008

Razorcake Review of Fake Life #3

This was okay. Homespun punk zine out of Tallahassee. There are some good bits, such as the Paris Hilton Create-a-Con paper doll set. Actually, that was pretty damn cool. Some simplistic comics designed more for effect than artistic quality; I’m kinda tired by that shtick. Left-wing rantings are always acceptable in my book, but it’s too easy for them to get clichéd and trite. That happens at times here, but there is a noticeable attempt at even-handedness (sound of cap being doffed). Interview with Rollins—haven’t seen one of those in years; kinda nice. Too much dead space throughout, though. This could be a wonderful little zine with a bit of desktop publishing, but as minimalist as possible. –The Lord Kveldulfr

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