Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Jesus Crispies

Here's the deal. If you are in any way sensitive to unapologetic negative opinions about religion and specifically Christianity, this isn't the zine for you.

Jesus Crispies is written by Ali. He calls on agnostics to jump off the fence, questions our national respect for the first amendment, and thinks church would be more fun if Jesus had laser vision. It's honest and it's funny. And unlike many who write on this subject, it's not full of anti-Christian bigotry (we wouldn't be carying it if it was).

My only issue is that I don't believe Ali when he says he's an athiest. It's more like he's pissed off at Christians and Christianity and the way he expresses his anger is by claiming God doesn't exist. But none of that makes any difference about the truth of the fact that being non-religious in a country where religion dominates is hard.

So seriously hit us up or come by the table sometime and pick up a copy of Jesus Crispies.

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